Stan was always full of stories, and loved a laugh and a joke with me. He’d met many people and always had a good story to tell me. I will always remember the games of British Bulldog in the back garden, and the joy of him buying the latest gadget and then having to admit later he hadn’t a clue how to work it leaving it to me and Simon to figure it out. You’ll be greatly missed by family and friends for sure but you left us with a lasting impression.
Stephen Draper
16th February 2023
We hope that you find this tribute to Stan a place of comfort, support and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 09/02/2023
Everyone grieves in a way that is unique to them. If you need to speak to a bereavement expert please visit the GriefChat section at which is a completely free service where you can remain anonymous if you prefer.
Sent by MuchLoved on 09/02/2023